Tuesday 27 April 2010

Yo MTV Rocks!

Towards the tail end of 2009 MTV came to the animation dept at LCC offering FDA animation students the chance to make an ident for the channel. The project was to be Christmas themed, and if MTV liked any of the student's efforts then they would air them for a month over Christmas. Myself and my buddy Peter Warnock were appraoched by Manav Dhir, and Caspar Seale-Jones, both on the animation FDA, to make the soundtrack to their submission. Peter took care of sound design, whilst I made the music. Ours was the only ident that got aired. Bo! Selecta-ta-ta...

Friday 2 April 2010


On the 22nd March, 3rd Year Link Dance students at the Urdang Academy in London performed two pieces for their degree show - "Projections". The two pieces were choreographed by the stupidly talented Mandy Braden and are entitled 'Transfer' and "Aurora". In her infinite wisdom Mandy approached me to compose scores for these pieces, and obviously I was suitably humbled at the opportunity. I can safely say that to sit in the audience on the opening night, watching 18 dancers throwing themselves around to your music is a goose-bump inducing experience, and one of my proudest as an artist. This video is of the 1st piece - Transfer, Aurora will follow shortly. (Film shot and edited by Chris Jones).

From the show 'Projections'
3rd Year Link Dance group at The Urdang Acadamy. London UK
Choreographer: Mandy Braden.
Music: Grey Sky Conduits (Lodestone Edit) By Corsair. Additional production & arrangement by Chris Redmond.